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Slowly, slowly, we're in a hurry!

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First Aid Outdoor

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23-27 November 2022
In cooperation with the OUTDOORSCHULE SÜD

29. Oktober -02. November 2025
Die Teilnehmer:innen unserer Ausbildungen OUTDOOR GUIDE 1 und INTEGRATIVE WILDNISPÄDAGOGIK 1 haben Vorrang bei den Anmeldungen. Die freien Plätze stehen dann allen anderen offen (max. 24 Teilnehmer:innen). 

A well-founded first aid course (worthy of the name) should actually be a social standard.

The further and the longer you are outdoors, whether alone, with friends or as part of an organized event, the more important it is to train and maintain your ability to act in the event of injuries, accidents or medical emergencies.

Since not only medical knowledge is decisive in such situations, but often also classic outdoor skills, we will deal with the following topics in preparation for the first two days of the seminar:

  • Exact position determination (analogue and digital) and indication of a coordinate in an emergency

  • Establishment and organization of an emergency camp

  • Important factors for (very) long escape routes

  • Methods of decision-making under stress 

  • Principles of conflict management


This is followed by a three-day certified outdoor first aid course with comprehensive information, helpful methods and realistic case studies. From A for shortness of breath to W for wound care. This content is carried out by a team from the Outdoorschule Süd.


This seminar will demand a lot from you, mainly due to the practical and realistically presented case studies and the seasonal weather - but we are very sure that it will be more than worth it for you (and for everyone who may benefit from it).

With this seminar, we particularly want to address nature and wilderness educators who have not yet completed a comparable first aid course. If you want more comprehensive training in leadership skills, our OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP & TOURGUIDE TRAININGS OLGA I & OLGA II are the right choice. (the OLGA I also includes a EH course)

  Contents at a glance

  • certified first aid course Outdoor with realistic case studies and rescue teams

before & after:

  • Position determination (digital and analogue)

  • Emergency camp (construction and organization )

  • Special conditions for long escape routes

  • Methods of decision-making under stress

  • Principles of conflict management

  • Reflection & Integration

Dieses Seminar wird dir hauptsächlich aufgrund der praxisorientierten und realistisch dargestellten Fallbeispiele und der jahreszeitlichen Witterung so manches abverlangen – aber wir sind uns sehr sicher, dass es sich für dich (und für alle die eventuell davon profitieren werden) mehr als lohnen wird.

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Exact positioning
and indication in case of emergency

Further information

MEETING:  23-27 November 2022

EVENT VENUE: not certain yet

INVESTMENT:  Basic price €365 + €50 additional costs

MANAGEMENT:  Jens Schwarzenbolz& Bettina Wagner

           or the team of the Outdoorschule Süd

ACCOMMODATION:  In your own tent/tarp, hammock

CATERING: Breakfast and lunch (snack) are self-catering.
We will provide the warm evening meals and prepare them together.


REQUIREMENTS: From 18 years or by arrangement

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W wie Wundversorgung

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