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One-year part-time training in "Integrative wilderness education"

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Befähigung zur Leitung

von mehrtägigen Touren im Kajak

By release we mean:


That we discover and experience in small (or big?) steps what we really are: an inseparable part of nature and the community...

  • ...through the most holistic and sustainable way of teaching and learning possible...

  • ...and a mindful and deep form of encounter and connection with nature, with other people and with ourselves...

  • look for ways as individuals and part of this society to meet the personal, social and ecological challenges of our time.

Out into nature, into the community. This path takes you deeper into nature, into the community and into yourself - if you like.

We understand "wilderness" more as a "principle" and less as a specific place (you can find more about this in the menu under "We and the wilderness - Our orientation ").


We are wilderness!

Why "release"? And who is actually poaching whom here?
In conservation, reintroduction means: "The release and reintroduction of a species into an area where it occurred before it became extinct primarily because of human activity." However, we do not release rare animal species into the wild, but want to accompany you in (re)discovering nature and the community as your natural habitat. Applied to us as a species, reintroduction means: The release and re-establishment in two elementary "habitats" from which we as modern people have become very alienated: nature & wilderness (ecological level)  and the community (cultural/social level). In addition to these community-oriented approaches on the ecological and social level, we also want to pursue the need for autonomy. There should be enough time to go on a journey of discovery in the "outer landscape" and in the "own inner wilderness areas" all by yourself. You unleash yourself at the intensity and speed that suits you.


Die Ausbildung ist aufgeteilt in Module, die du bei uns absolvieren wirst und Module, die du bei externen Anbietern machst. Dieser Ablauf ist aber nicht zwingend, wir finden auch individuelle Lösungen, falls das nötig ist - es geht letztendlich nicht um den äußeren Ablauf, sondern um die zu vermittelnden Inhalte. Sprich uns an, falls du Fragen hast. ​

Die Module die du in der Regel bei uns absolvierst (die Reihenfolge kann variieren): 

  1. Teilnahme KANUCAMP, 5 Tage, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte (BK 1 A/B)

  2. Teilnahme an unserer WASSERLÄUFER-KAJAK-TOUR oder PEENE-KAJAK-TOUR, 7 Tage, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte (BK 2 A/B)

  3. Assistenz auf dem nächstjährigen KANUCAMP, 5 Tage, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte (BK 3 A/B). Dabei bekommst du weiterführende Inhalte und Techniken vermittelt und übernimmst anleitende Aufgaben.   

  4. Touren-Assistenz SUOMI-KAJAK-TOUR, 8 Tage (+An- & Abreise), Saimaa Finnland (BK 4 A/B) Die Touren-Assistenz ist dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass du die Tour aus der Perspektive eines Leitungsteams erleben und mitgestalten wirst. Du wirst Verantwortung übernehmen und dich täglich mit uns im Team austauschen. 

  5. Teilnahme an unserer OUTDOOR LEADERSHIP- & TOURGUIDE-AUSBILDUNG I (nicht im Preis enthalten) oder an einer vergleichbaren Guide-Ausbildung bei einem anderen Anbieter mit vergleichbaren Inhalten (z.B. Outdoor-Erste-Hilfe, Leitungsstile, Grundkenntnisse Orientierung & Navigation, Camp-Aufbau & -Logistik, ...) als Nachweis zur vollständigen Befähigung zur Leitung von Gruppen (BK 4B) oder Teilnahme an unserem Erste Hilfe- & Outdoor Leadership-Seminar als Nachweis zur eingeschränkten Befähigung zur Leitung von Gruppen im Team (BK 4A). 

Die Module die du bei externen Anbietern oder Solo machst: 

  1. Teilnahme DLRG-Rettungsschwimmer (Bronze), mind. 4 Tage, wo du willst (als Nachweis zur vollständigen Befähigung zur Leitung von Gruppen Solo (BK 4B)

  2. Praktikum BIBER-TOURS BOOTSVERLEIH, mind. 3 Tage, Mecklenburgische Seenplatte, wann du willst (BK 4 A/B)

  3. SOLOTOUR im Kajak, mind. 4 Tage, wann und wo du willst (BK 3 A/B)

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Befähigung Kajak (BK) 1-4 

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More information on release


Chief Responsible Manager

Jens Schwarzenbolz,

Co-director Bettina Wagner

+possibly guest lecturers


With a group size of maximum 12 participants:

Basic price €1920 (corresponds to €320 per seminar)

+ Additional costs €300 (corresponds to €50 per seminar and will be paid in cash on site)

The basic price can be paid as a one-time payment (1920.00 €) or in installments of 320.00 € before the respective seminars.

extra costs

The additional costs include: accommodation, part of the meals, inspiration & anchor exercises, group equipment, teaching materials, etc.

“Yearling Book”

A “Yearling Diary” will accompany you on your journey through this year. It is intended as a reminder and "mirror" for yourself. We give you suggestions for this book, but in the end it's up to you how you lead and design it.

Inspiration & anchor exercises

For the time between the seminars you will get inspiration & anchor exercises to take home with you. With this we want to support you in integrating and anchoring the contents of the MiA in your life (and in your neuronal structures) in a sustainable way. These exercises are not compulsory homework, but a gift and an invitation to you.


6 four-day seminars = 24 seminar days

30 additional inspiration & anchor exercises to supplement and anchor the content in everyday life


Over the course of the year, we will get to know different places and habitats as part of the training. The character of these places will be quite different. The individual venues are in Baden-Württemberg, Thuringia, Bavaria and Mecklenburg-West Pomerania.


Some of the catering at the seminars is bought by you and brought with you (grilled food for the first evening, 3x breakfast, 3x “snack” for lunch, snacks). The warm meals on Friday and Saturday evening and basic kitchen equipment (spices, coffee, tea, fruit, biscuits, ...) are provided by us and are included in the additional costs. The evening meals are prepared together in cooking groups on an open fire.



The personal basic equipment (tent, sleeping bag, ...) is brought by the participants themselves (we are happy to advise you). We will provide the group equipment (camp kitchen, tools, tarpaulins, ...).

The group

From 18 years or by arrangement

Max. 12 participants. Before the start of the release, everyone will be sent a list of participants, which can also be used for any carpooling.

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