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Out into nature - into the community

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One-year part-time training in "Integrative wilderness education"

By release we mean:


That we discover and experience in small (or big?) steps what we really are: an inseparable part of nature and the community...

  • ...through the most holistic and sustainable way of teaching and learning possible...

  • ...and a mindful and deep form of encounter and connection with nature, with other people and with ourselves...

  • look for ways as individuals and part of this society to meet the personal, social and ecological challenges of our time.

Out into nature, into the community. This path takes you deeper into nature, into the community and into yourself - if you like.

We understand "wilderness" more as a "principle" and less as a specific place (you can find more about this in the menu under "We and the wilderness - Our orientation ").


We are wilderness!

Deine Auswilderung geht weiter... 

Die nächste Gemeinschaft in Auswilderung wird es je nach Interesse 2025/2026 oder 2026/2027 geben. Melde dich bei Interesse bitte über unser Kontaktformular: 

Why "release"? And who is actually poaching whom here?
In conservation, reintroduction means: "The release and reintroduction of a species into an area where it occurred before it became extinct primarily because of human activity." However, we do not release rare animal species into the wild, but want to accompany you in (re)discovering nature and the community as your natural habitat. Applied to us as a species, reintroduction means: The release and re-establishment in two elementary "habitats" from which we as modern people have become very alienated: nature & wilderness (ecological level)  and the community (cultural/social level). In addition to these community-oriented approaches on the ecological and social level, we also want to pursue the need for autonomy. There should be enough time to go on a journey of discovery in the "outer landscape" and in the "own inner wilderness areas" all by yourself. You unleash yourself at the intensity and speed that suits you.

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What do we mean by "Integrative Wilderness Education"?

Most providers of nature and wilderness education training have agreed on certain content and structures in order to be able to guarantee a standard that is as uniform as possible and to not let this term become arbitrary. That's good. Some of us have been leaders in these training courses for years and deliberately do not use the title nature and wilderness education for our training, but people in release - because we want to move as freely as possible with our offer.

We would also like to look beyond the “European horizon”, but also and above all orient ourselves to our own history and present and deal with it as “ Native Europeans / indigenous Europeans ”, as modern heirs of these once native cultures.

In the nature and wilderness education training courses, the focus is very much on the knowledge and skills of indigenous cultures - this is also the case with our training, but at the same time modern equipment, knowledge and tools are also used, explained and appreciated ( e.g. tarp, map & compass, kayak, fire steel...).

If you look too much into the past and at the same time look further into the future, you run the risk of stumbling. We want to deal with this consciously and therefore call our approach "Integrative wilderness education". In addition, we want to consciously implement the alternative (wilderness) educational approach, which means, among other things, as flexible and dynamic as possible  (landscape, weather , needs of the participants, etc.) - a main reason why we have limited the number of participants to a maximum of 12.




 Steigerwald, Bayern Juli 


In den Abschlussrunden unserer Seminare wird oft bedauert, dass die gemeinsame Zeit in der Natur schon zu Ende geht. Und selbst unsere einwöchigen Touren enden oft mit dem Gefühl, als Gruppe jetzt erst wirklich zusammen gewachsen zu sein. Bei unseren beiden GiA-Camps haben wir also die Möglichkeit eine neue Dimension und Dynamik zu entdecken - was passiert, wenn wir für 12 Tage am Stück in den Wald und in eine Gemeinschaft eintauchen? Angereichert ist diese Zeit natürlich zusätzlich mit vielen Themen, Aufgaben und Übungen. Es wird aber auch bewusst Zeiten geben, die wir als "Sippe" für uns selbst gestalten. 

Außerdem werden wir eine freiwillige Solozeit in das Camp einbetten, auf die wir dich natürlich gut vorbereiten werden. 


Beispielhafte Inhalte des Sommerlagers sind: Scout-Übungen, Schleichen & Tarnen, Solozeit/Solonacht, Fische ausnehmen, Kochgrube uvm.

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 Steigerwald, Bayern Februar 


Mit den Erfahrungen des Sommerlagers im Gepäck, sind wir nun bereit in unser Winterlager einzuziehen und es uns unter anspruchsvolleren Umständen gemütlich zu machen. Das Feuer wird uns dabei natürlich ein wichtiger Begleiter sein. Wir werden lernen auf unsere Körper, unsere Ausrüstung und auf uns gegenseitig zu achten.

Wir werden in langen, dunklen und kalten Nächten schwitzend in die glühenden Steine der Erdsauna (Schwitzhütte) schauen - ein archaischer Anblick, der uns mit unseren halbnomadischen Vorfahren verbinden wird, die hier schon vor zehntausenden von Jahren in einer Tundralandschaft gelebt haben. Wir werden Musik machen, kreativ sein und uns Geschichten erzählen, umhüllt von der Wärme des Lagerfeuers und einer starken Gemeinschaft.  

Beispielhafte Inhalte des Winterlagers sind: Umgang mit Kälte, Medizinwanderung, Erdsauna (Schwitzhütte), Jagd und Jagdwaffen, erweiterte Feuer- & Brennholz-Kunde uvm.

Wiederkehrende Inhalte der beiden Camps: Redekreise / Council, Vier Schilde Lebensrad, Lagerlogistik, Nachtwache, Clan-Aufgaben (Kochen, Feuer & Brennholz, ...), Naturkunde (Spurenlesen, Vogelkunde, Bäume, ...), Übungen zur Naturverbindung, Naturhandwerk, Outdoor-Hygiene, ...

Die Fachthemen-Seminare die zur Ausbildung in Integrativer Wildnispädagogik gehören, findest du im Menü unter Seminare.

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Who do we want to address with this?


In a nutshell:  you .

We would like to accompany you in this training on your individual path “into nature, in the community and to yourself”, regardless of whether you are “only” going this way for yourself personally, or whether you also want to go it professionally (or this already do).

Everyone who is interested in the content of the training and would like to get involved in it in their own way and at their own pace is welcome - each in their own personal weighting. Feel free to contact us if you are unsure whether this training is right for you.

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More information on release

Die nächste Gemeinschaft in Auswilderung wird es je nach Interesse 2025/2026 oder 2026/2027 geben. Melde dich bei Interesse bitte über unser Kontaktformular: 


Chief Responsible Manager

Jens Schwarzenbolz,

Co-director Bettina Wagner

+possibly guest lecturers


With a group size of maximum 12 participants:

Basic price €1920 (corresponds to €320 per seminar)

+ Additional costs €300 (corresponds to €50 per seminar and will be paid in cash on site)

The basic price can be paid as a one-time payment (1920.00 €) or in installments of 320.00 € before the respective seminars.

extra costs

The additional costs include: accommodation, part of the meals, inspiration & anchor exercises, group equipment, teaching materials, etc.

“Yearling Book”

A “Yearling Diary” will accompany you on your journey through this year. It is intended as a reminder and "mirror" for yourself. We give you suggestions for this book, but in the end it's up to you how you lead and design it.

Inspiration & anchor exercises

For the time between the seminars you will get inspiration & anchor exercises to take home with you. With this we want to support you in integrating and anchoring the contents of the MiA in your life (and in your neuronal structures) in a sustainable way. These exercises are not compulsory homework, but a gift and an invitation to you.

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